Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, who takes them, and when?

Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, who takes them, and when? 

This topic is about nutritional supplements of vitamins and minerals and what you really need of vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, when, and how should supplements be taken?

What are the differences between vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins are organic components than can be synthesized by living begins like animals and plants.

Vitamins are classified into two types: soluble in water like vitamin C and all B vitamins and there is no danger or toxicity if you are taking any of these vitamins because when they increase in the body they will go out with water.

As for vitamins that are soluble in fats like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and vitamin E they can cause toxicity because they will remain high in the body because they will be inside your fat tissue.

Minerals are inorganic elements that are not synthesized by living beings and minerals are found in nature inside the soil and water.

As a human, you take minerals from eating vegetables and fruits that take minerals from the soil and from eating the meat of herbivores.

Some guidelines about vitamins and vitamins supplements

When you take a supplement of a fat-soluble vitamin you should always take it with your main meal that should contain fat to absorb the vitamin such as butter, coconut oil, olive oil, or dairy.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins that is responsible for transporting calcium from the blood to the bones and teeth.

There are two types of supplements of vitamin K2, MK7, and Mk4, and you should always buy the Mk4 supplement because it is much more active than Mk7.

Vitamin F is important for transporting calcium to the skin,, treating skin burns and wounds, and protecting against viruses.

Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins that if you are not exposed enough to the sun's light you will not be able to get your daily needs of vitamin D even if you are eating the food rich in vitamin D.

After the age of 30, you must take a vitamin D supplement especially in countries where there are not many sunny days around the year and the daily recommended dose is 5,000 IU you take it for three months and stop for another three months.

Vitamin D3 is the best type of vitamin D supplements unlike vitamin D2  because D3 is a way more natural and absorbable form of vitamin D.

As for vitamin C, you must know that before taking a supplement of vitamin C that the supplement should not be a vitamin C supplement as ascorbic acid only because vitamin C is a complex of components that ascorbic acid is one of them.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin because the body does not synthesize it, and vitamin C is a strong anti-virus and essential for the health of the skin and joints.

In case you decided to want to take any multivitamin, it must be from natural sources, and not synthetic.

It is recommended to take a multivitamin in case you have a lack of any of the essential vitamins, unlike the multimineral supplement that we will talk about later on.

What you must know about minerals and multimineral supplement?

You must know that minerals are soluble in water and the body always needs minerals to function properly.

The best type of multimineral is a chelated multimineral supplement, which is a type of supplement in which the minerals reach directly the blood without any interactions between minerals.

You can take a multimineral supplement daily because when the minerals increase they come out with water.

It is recommended to take multimineral supplements before bedtime because some of the minerals help in the relaxation and sleep.

What are some of the essential minerals that you could take separately?

Selenium is one of the essential minerals for your immune system, your metabolism, gland functions, and it is also a strong antioxidant that helps you get rid of free radicals and protects you from cancer.

Magnesium is also one of the important minerals that you could not be taking your daily needs from food.

If you are suffering from insomnia and constipation, this could be a sign of a lack of magnesium it is recommended to take magnesium before bedtime.

If your diet was poor in seafood you can have a deficiency in iodine and you should take an iodine supplement, the best supplement form of iodine is the liquid iodine Lugol's.

What are the essential supplements that you need other than vitamins and minerals?

Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for the health of the heart and the nervous system and to prevent some diseases like diabetes and autoimmune diseases and to reduce the risk of blood clots and triglycerides and the inflammation level in the body.

The daily recommended daily dose of omega 3 is between 1-3 grams, the best source of omega 3 is fish oil.

You can also find some omega3 supplements from vegan sources, like flaxseed oil but you must know that 70% of people can't convert the ALA alpha-linolenic acid into the absorbable forms of omega 3 which are DPA, DHA, and EPA.

As for the people who can convert the ALA only 15% of the amount will be converted. 

Cod liver oil is the best supplement for omega 3, vitamin A, and vitamin D and it is recommended to start taking cod liver oil after the age of 30.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body that is found in your skin, joints, and cartilage and you will start losing collagen after the age of twenty.

The best supplement of collagen is a mixture of many sources of fish, beef, and chicken collagen.

When taking any collagen supplement it should be combined with a vitamin c complex otherwise the collagen will not be active and elaborated in the body.

If you were an athletic person, and you are doing physical exercise daily, you will need a supplement of essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize.

You will also need a whey protein there are three types of whey protein concentrate, hydrolyzed and isolate, the best type is the isolate because it is not expensive as hydrolyzed and is not of lower quality, as the concentrate.

Whey protein is important to muscle building and muscle recovery process and to prevent muscle mass loss.

Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are essential for your health and to keep all the systems inside the body working properly...

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